GA Figure 945E:

Combination Air Valves for Water, Fusion Bond Epoxy Lined & Coated

Size: ½" to 4"
Valve Type: Air Valve
Fluid: Water

GA Industries Figures 945E-T Combination Air Valves are “triple function” valves.They vent air from pipelines and systems as they are being filled with water and then close tight once the system is full and pressurized.They also release air that accumulates in the valve while the system is operational.And, they automatically open to admit air to limit vacuum formation when the pipeline or system is drained and/or a negative pressure occurs in the valve.

The Figure 945E-T Combination Air Valves are fusion bond epoxy lined and coated and are standard with 316 stainless steel external fasteners for enhanced corrosion protection.They are typically installed at high points in the system where air naturally rises during filling and in operation and vacuum first forms during draining.

  • Compact and lightweight
  • Full port orifice for maximum air outflow and inflow
  • Utilizes “kinetic” operating principle, designed not to blow shut
  • Fusion bond epoxy lined and coated cast iron body and cover
  • Corrosion resistant Type 316 stainless steel float and linkage
  • Tight sealing and easily replaceable rubber seats
  • NSF-61 certified for contact with drinking water
  • NSF-372 certified lead free (< 0.25% by weighted average)
  • AIS Compliant when required
  • Body and cover: Cast Iron, ASTM A126 Class B
  • Float: Type 316 Stainless Steel
  • Internal Linkage: Type 316 Stainless Steel
  • Replaceable Seats: Buna-N Rubber (Optional EPDM)
  • External Fasteners: Type 316 Stainless Steel
Corrosion Protection
  • Lined and coated with Skotchkote 134 fusion bond epoxy, 10 mil DFT
Drawings and Parts List
Figure 945E 1/2-1in Drawing ECAV7136EW-B
Figure 945E 2in Drawing ECAV7137EW-B
Figure 945E 3in Drawing ECAV7138EW-B
Figure 945E 4in Drawing ECAV7134EW-B
Installation, Maintenance and Operating Instructions
IOM Figure 945 1/2"-1" 022420A
IOM Figure 945 2" 022420A
Product Bulletin
Air Valve Bulletin VAG16 LR
Sample Specification
Figure 945E Combination Air Valve For Water-1
Technical Datasheet
Air Valve Sizing For Pipeline Filling and Draining
Figure 945ET Data Sheet 945E-01C
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Clean Water

Dependable valves that meet your clean water needs

From the raw water intake to the filtration plant to the finished waster distribution and storage system, GA Industries valves have been providing dependable service in large and small water systems. GA Industries pump control, check and relief valves mitigate damaging pressure surges and eliminate slam and bang that can result from the operation of water pumps.

Our full range of pilot operated control valves regulate distribution system pressure and prevent overflow of storage tanks and reservoirs. Air trapped in water pipelines can reduce system efficiency and exacerbate pressure surges. Our wide range of automatic air valves ensures we have the right valve to maintain an air free system.

And when it’s necessary to isolate a pump, process or section of pipeline, you can depend on GA Industries butterfly valves for reliable flow shutoff.

GA Figure 945E:
Combination Air Valves for Water, Fusion Bond Epoxy Lined & Coated
GA Figure 945E Image
Size: ½" to 4"
Valve Type: Air Valve
Fluid: Water

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